
Agricultural Promotion
We have been working relentlessly for the soil and water conservation to ensure maintaining the profile of a land. About 12000 hac of land is supported with different soil and water conservation activities. Initially, with the participation of the local community, we carried out the surveys and prepared GIS based Detailed Project Report of the area. Then the different interventions are carried out on Ridge to Valley Approach. Different structures as Water Absorption Trench, Farm Bund, Continuous Contour Trench, Staggered Contour Trench, Trench cum Bund, Plantation, Farm Ponds, Loose Bounder Structures, Earthen Check Dam, etc. are promoted. Village level committees are formed for maintenance of the structures. The farmers in vicinity are provided training and support in optimum utilization of the conserved water.

Promotion of Agri & Allied Activities
Animal Husbandry & Fisheries is being promoted among rural brethren to ensure additional and buffer income to each of the household. About 5000 HH are supported with development of practice of animal raring. Farmers are provided not only training but ensured subsidy and convergence with other Government Schemes for easy installation of the facilities. They are supported in aquaculture, hatchery management, quality seed supply, shed construction, training on animal management, disease management & vaccination, marketing of produce, cattle feed & fodder promotion, etc.

Climate Resilience
The climate is one of the prime issues of the globe now. Sustainability of any activity could only be ensured with climate resilience. We have been carrying out mobilization works among the community regarding the same. Plantation of more than 100000 trees is done under the initiative by our organization. The plantation included bamboo trees, horticulture plants and timber plants. The plantation is promoted mostly on barren land with initial support for water and protection.

Institutional Development
Collectivization always brings better result. We have been supporting more than 12000 farmers across 3 States in acquiring membership in 24 Farmer Producer Companies. These Companies are supported in registration, meeting legal credentials, development and execution of business activities, support under different schemes, procurement and marketing of products, infrastructure set up, training & capacity building and Accounting & book keeping.

Soil and Water Conservation
We have been working relentlessly for the soil and water conservation to ensure maintaining the profile of a land. About 12000 hac of land is supported with different soil and water conservation activities. Initially, with the participation of the local community, we carried out the surveys and prepared GIS based Detailed Project Report of the area. Then the different interventions are carried out on Ridge to Valley Approach. Different structures as Water Absorption Trench, Farm Bund, Continuous Contour Trench, Staggered Contour Trench, Trench cum Bund, Plantation, Farm Ponds, Loose Bounder Structures, Earthen Check Dam, etc. are promoted. Village level committees are formed for maintenance of the structures. The farmers in vicinity are provided training and support in optimum utilization of the conserved water.

Drinking Water and Sanitation
Reached out to 248369 Households to ensure Functional Household Tap Connection. Women are obstructed from carrying Drinking Water from faraway places resulted in reducing their drudgery. Health condition seems to improve with availability of Clean Drinking Water. 1037 Villages are equipped with Sanitation facilities. Community mobilized though IEC activities, GPWSC, VWSC & WUCs regarding promotion of Sanitation through proper waste management. Committees are formed to ensure O&M of the existing facilities and improving the same as per the need. A total of 248369 Families residing in 1037 villages from 15 Districts are supported on source sustainability measures like water conservation, rainwater collection, and recharge and reuse through grey water management by involving community on concept of substantial information, education, and communication.

Entrepreneurship Development
Youths are supported with skill equipment and income generation through entrepreneurship development. Beneficiaries are supported with establishment of their own outlet. The different trades as plumbing, mason, fitter, automobile repairing, beauty parlour, electrician, tailoring, computer operator, food processing, handicrafts, etc. are promoted under the intervention.

Skill Promotion for Artisans
Different artisans on bamboo craft, water hyacinth craft, pottery, embroidery, handlooms, silver jewellery, dokra, etc. are provided basic and advanced training to ensure better products. These products are providing better prices to the artisans. The group which was highly marginalized and depended upon alternative livelihood options for sustenance are now refocussing on their basic artisan skills and earning handsome value out of the same.